Healthy and Fresh
The following are some of the produce we grow: Carrots, Beets, Radishes, Broccoli, Cabbage (Green, Red and Napa!), Lettuce, Arugala, Mizuna, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Mustard, Kale, Red Orach, Bok Choy, Green Onions, Big Onions (yellow, red, white and sweet), Garlic, Leeks, Rhubarb, Peas, Beans, Cucumbers, Different types of Squash, Tomatoes, Corn, Melons, Hot Peppers, Sweet Peppers, and Jerusalem Artichokes. We are also growing and wild crafting an increasing assortment of herbs such as: Basil, Cilantro, Dill, Parsley, Chives, Oregano, Mint, Horseradish, Comfrey.