Our Products
 Starting in 2010, we received our permit as Idaho's 12th Raw Goat Milk Dairy. Our raw milk is not pasteurized, homogenized, added to or altered in any way. It is double filtered and chilled down below 40* within about 30-40 minutes sealing it in quart jars for freshness. We believe that milk produced from animals that live in a natural environment and left in it's natural state is the most healthy milk possible. Our Goat milk comes from the 7 best does in our herd of almost 40 animals. They are picked to be on our dairy string for their high quality and best tasting milk. There are 5 incredible Nubians, one award winning Saanen and one high producing Alpine. They are fed the best 2nd cutting Alfalfa hay we can find, and have access to acres of pasture
or forage year round. They are fed a 14% grain ration at milking time, in addition to produce from the garden, apples in the fall when available and a mineral mix that is specially designed for a goat's best health.
Pudding: We make pudding from our own Fresh Raw milk, Farm Fresh eggs, and Organic cane sugar. Currently we are selling Vanilla and Chocolate Chip flavors.
Cheese: We are now selling several flavors of Chevre - - - Basil/Garlic, Dill/Onion, Chipotle, Jalapeno, and Sundried Tomato/Artichoke/Basil that you can use as a spread for crackers or bread, add it to your tacos or eggs, or sprinkle it over your salad just to name a few uses. We have a sweet Craisin/Pecan perfect for putting on your French toast or sprinkling in your fresh spinach salad! We offer Chocolate Cherry for a dessert Chevre, and Plain Chevre for you to use in recipes. We also have fresh mozzarella, sold in small blocks or in sticks (perfect for little finger snacks!).

Yogurt: Finally.....fresh yogurt!!! Available in 16 oz containers. Enjoy the health of fresh yogurt. We enjoy it sweetened with honey or molasses maybe even a sprinkle of granola! Yum!
Eggs: You will love our Farm Fresh Eggs, deep orange yokes that stand up in a pan with lots of flavor. Great for baking your favorite goodies. Our chickens are Free Range Happy Hens with Royal Roosters (of course) to guard over them.
Bread: We sell a whole wheat bread that is golden brown, light and fluffy. We use certified organic wheat (and grind it fresh for every loaf) and local honey. We have been making this same bread recipe for our family for over 10 years and are delighted to share it's goodness. We also make a Scandinavian bread called "Nisu" which is a braided sweet bread.
Granola: Chunky, Chunky, Chunky : ) Made with Organic oats, Local Honey and Olive Oil. Did I mention it was Chunky !! Simple and Deeeelicious!
Produce & Herbs:
The following are some of the produce we grow:
Carrots, Beets, Radishes, Broccoli, Cabbage (Green, Red and Napa!), Lettuce, Arugala, Mizuna, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Mustard, Kale, Red Orach, Bok Choy, Green Onions, Big Onions (yellow, red, white and sweet), Garlic, Leeks, Rhubarb, Peas, Beans, Cucumbers, Different types of Squash, Tomatoes, Corn, Melons, Hot Peppers, Sweet Peppers, and Jerusalem Artichokes. We are also growing and wild crafting an increasing assortment of herbs such as: Basil, Cilantro, Dill, Parsley, Chives, Horseradish, Comfrey, Mothers Wart, Plantain, Mullen, St. John's Wart and Chamomile.